
Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Year's Resolutions!

Yeah, I'm one of those people - I used to insist upon making long lists of resolutions at the start of every year, but right now I'm trying to make a shorter list with more achievable goals (which is a resolution in itself!). As 2013 is a very important year for me (among other things, I'm publishing my first novel in January and graduating from university in July!), I need to make sure I'm ready to face the challenges!

My Goals for 2013: 

1. Make a viable post-graduation plan. At the moment, the plan is to secure as much work experience as possible (I have two internships lined up between now and graduation, but nothing secured for summer...yet!) and decide if doing a Publishing Masters isn't a financially unrealistic option! It depends on whether I feel I'm ready to start work right away, or if I need more experience first. I don't have the money for a Masters, so the only option if I do one is to take out a scary huge bank loan and get into even more debt!
2. Prepare for the publication of my first novel - contact bloggers, organise a blog tour (as I still don't have a release date from the publishers, this is proving difficult right now!).
3. Decide how to publish my next book (Darkworld Book 1) - should I continue to query or self-publish? And where's the money for editors, cover design etc going to come from? (I have no idea about that one!)
4. Continue to work on the sequel to THE PUPPET SPELL!
5. And continue to be stubborn in the face of comments about how I'm attempting the impossible. I'm trying to publish another book series and also start a graduate career in publishing. Can I do both? Well, why not? Yes, publishing' insanely competitive and hard to get into. But I've managed to get 3 work placements, one at a top 6 publisher. It's not impossible - and I'm not the type to give up!
Ditto publishing my own books. Even if I fail to get a publishing contract for my new series (and the genre is quite niche), I'm more than happy to do it myself. I've already chosen a potential editor and cover designer, and I now know how to convert and format e-book files. And I've spent most of my life doing what most people would claim to be impossible!
So my final resolution is the usual - self-belief, not letting other people beat me down - and, of course, surviving the emotional trauma of leaving university!

But for now...Happy New Year everyone! :)


  1. Best of fortunes on accomplishing all those goals! Have a safe, productive and happy New Year!

    1. Thank you! Happy New Year to you too. :)

  2. Wowzer! That's quite a list. Good luck. I like big goals too, but I think you have me beat.

  3. Hello, Happy New Year. New follower via GFC. I write about magical crisp packets...

    I hope you're liking Lancaster, I'm from Morecambe but live in Lancaster..quite close to the Sugarhouse, although my student days are long gone. I self-published my book last year as paperback and Kindle. Good luck with all your goals for 2013!

    1. Thank you :) I love Lancaster, I'm really sad it's my final year now! I'm thinking of self-publishing my next book series as I'm not having much luck getting a contract and I'd like to publish it this year.

      Thanks for following and commenting! I'll be sure to check out your blog, too.

  4. Best of luck with your goals Emma and Happy New Year :)

    1. Thank you :) Happy New Year to you, too!

  5. Good luck with all your goals! While they're definitely ambitious, I wouldn't call them impossible--nothing's truly impossible if you keep at it, after all!

  6. Good luck with your goals Emma and good luck with Puppet Spell too.:) I was wondering if you could share how you found a publisher for your book.
    I am following you and I leave you here my link in case you want to follow too. ( )

    1. Thank you :) It took me a while (and 3 books!) to get published. I got lucky with my publisher, Rowanvale, because they only started up last year and contacted my university asking for submissions. As two of my friends were publishing with them, I figured I couldn't go wrong! But I'm trying to find a different publisher for my next book series as it's a different genre and I'm hoping to get a wider audience.

      Following you back :)

