
Saturday 27 December 2014

#WIPMarathon Update #11

It's time for our last #WIPMarathon check-in of the year! I have absolutely no idea where 2014 has gone, but it's been an awesome year, writing-wise.

Things I'm glad I did in 2014:
  • The most important thing I've learned this year? KEEP WRITING. No matter what happens in publishing, the one thing you can control is the words on the page. I've suffered about every kind of setback possible in the past year (publishing = battle scars. Seriously.), but I've also signed five publishing contracts, published two new books, and written half a new series. I realised that there's nothing more satisfying than when the universe hits you in the face with a mallet and you still manage to knock out a few thousand words. (Especially if you're writing something violent. *hehehe*)
  • Listened to the shiny new ideas, and stopped stressing over what I thought I should be writing. When I shelved the project I was querying (I came painfully close a few times, but I began to realise that it just wasn't going to happen for my YA fantasy) and moved onto something new, it freed up the part of my brain that was stressing over my ideas not being "marketable" enough. Then a shiny new idea lightning storm struck!
  • Realised I'm too much of a control-freak to wait another four years for a "yes". So I decided to stop watching my inbox hoping something nice would fall into it, and make the leap into self-publishing! I've been researching the process for over two years but I was waiting for the right project (also, to be honest, I was terrified at the very idea of launching a book without a publisher). But when I found the one story I really wanted to tell, I knew that had to be the one.
  • Trying new things. I went to my first real-world book event, YA Lit Con in London (which was amazing!). I cuddled a two-metre-long python (because why not? :P). I went to Iceland and saw the Northern Lights (and dolphins!). And sometimes you have to do the crazy thing, like putting all your projects on hold to work on an idea that just won't leave you alone. :P

In 2015, I'd love to:

  • Publish three books and a novella. I've another blog post coming up with my resolutions for 2015, but this is the current plan! :)
  • Finish drafting the Alliance series! I'm fast-drafting the series back-to-back so I can avoid continuity errors (also: foreshadowing!), and then I'll go back and edit it later. I did the same with Darkworld and that's how I ended up being offered 5 contracts this year, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this works out!
  • Write in a genre I haven't tried before. Right now, I'm thinking this might be sci-fi, though I do have a vague idea for a YA paranormal set in Edinburgh. Hopefully, I'm going on a writing retreat there in April - so it may turn into a research trip! :)

Last report wordcount: I was at 62K of my draft.

Current report wordcount: I finished my draft at 77K! And then I started the next one, because I'm a compulsive writer and this series still has me under its spell. ^_^ I'm now at 52K words of Book 4. 

Adamant (yes, I finally got to reveal the title! *squeal*) is now with a freelance editor for final edits! :)

I also worked on editing Book 2 and finally stopped angsting over it long enough to send it to the first round of beta readers. :P

WIP issues this month: Not many, compared to last month! It helps that this draft's actually coming together in the right order, unlike the jigsaw of Book 3. :P

Four things I learned this month in writing:

  • Writing fast doesn't mean low quality. I kind of knew this already, but if there's one thing I've learned from fast-drafting, it's that my most polished writing is actually written the fastest, because those are the days when I'm the most inspired! For instance, the first half of Adamant went through some pretty heavy edits (it's now on Draft #8!) but the second half, which I wrote in only nine days (!) was much more streamlined. I've noticed the same with other books I've drafted. My children's book, for example, was like pulling teeth, and I ended up having to rewrite the thing from scratch because there were so many big-picture issues with it. o.O If I write slowly, I lose thread of the story, forget major details, and lose enthusiasm all around. So... fast-drafting is the way forward!
  • I actually prefer editing to drafting. Well, I change my mind about this every month, often depending on which stage I'm at. :P But even though I'm writing my 18th first draft, I'm still in a perpetual state of panic over whether I'll finish it, even though I know it's ridiculous. (I blame the pre-outlining years when I never finished any of my projects!) When editing, at least I have something to work with, even if it's complete crap. I always do at least 5 rounds of intense editing no matter how long I spend drafting, and it does sometimes make me want to tear my hair out... but I love it when it all comes together and looks like a real book, not a draft. :)
  • With that having been said, there's such a thing as too much editing. And letting go of a book is even harder when you're self-publishing and don't have a deadline. No book can ever be perfect, and if you find yourself tweaking sentences for no reason after the book's been through eight drafts, it's probably time to let go! (Sings, "Let it go...")
  • This is something I've learned this year in general, but through adding up my wordcount for each month, I found that the most productive months were the ones where I really loved what I was writing. (Shocking. :P) Writing is work, yes, but it should also be fun, and if it's turning into a chore, I take it as a red flag that something is wrong. Some of the drafts I wrote earlier this year did feel like a chore, which is why I haven't gone back to edit them. Ultimately, if you don't love what you write, then neither will the reader!
What distracted me this month when writing:  Um, I think something called Christmas might have happened the other day? ;) (I managed to sneak off to write when everyone was watching TV... it's the law of the universe that I'll get inspired as soon as I'm supposed to be doing something else!)

Also, Walking Shadow (Darkworld, #2) was published on the 1st December! This book's been through quite the journey, seeing as I had to write it from scratch twice before I was offered a contract. But I now have THREE books on the virtual shelves! And I'll soon have more...

Yes - I got to announce that I'm self-publishing the Alliance series next year!!! 

The Alliance series is the "Shiny New Series" I've been talking about non-stop for the past few months. It started as a "sanity project" to stop me losing my head while in the query trenches again, and given how that... didn't work out well, it's probably a good thing I let this project take over! I'm publishing the first book, Adamant, in March 2015!


So I've been busy with non-writing but publishing-related things like cover designs (*squee*) and learning formatting (*headdesk*). This has been in a long time in the planning. Bring on 2015! :D

Goal for next month: Keep writing! I want to finish this draft, and start the next one (Book 5). Let the emotional trauma commence! ;)

Last 200 words: Well, I'm saving some teasers from Adamant until closer to release day, but here's the first teaser image I made!


  1. 600k!? 0.o *mind blown* I don't know how you do it but I am in awe of your wordage. Also congrats on deciding to self-publish! I wish you all the best with your Adamant series because that teaser is awesome and I'm sure the rest of the book is just as awesome too! :)

    May 2015 be spectacular!

  2. This is always my first rant come NaNoWriMo time when people insist that quality words can't be written that fast, but I do it all the time. I didn't even have to hardly edit my last story, which is sad because I love editing so much. Maybe I'll have a lot of editing to do on my NaNo project. ^_^

    What's that they say? Fortunes favors the brave. :)
    Congratulations on all the hundreds of thousands of words you wrote this month and best wishes for 2015!

    1. Agreed - the words just flow when you're in the "zone"! I do like editing, but it depends on the book.

      Yes! I'm expecting people to call me crazy, but it's something I had to do. Thank you! ^_^

  3. Congrats on your amazing progress--both this month and this year as a whole!! :)

    Congrats on self-publishing your new series, too, and best of luck! I think it'll help that you built up an audience with your previously published works, too.

    I hear you on the agent thing. (And I know I was lucky I once had one, but it sucks to lose one and then find that no one's interested in your next project. I had a few close calls, too.) Maybe if your self-publish works do well enough, they'll come to you. Or you can query something else. I could see myself as a hybrid author.

    1. Thank you! :) I'm finding that having worked with a small press before has been a great help because I already know the process.

      I know what you mean. Close calls can be so painful! I still have a few queries for my MG fantasy out and I might go back into the trenches in the new year. I think hybrid is the way forward! :)

  4. Six hundred thousand?! There should be a space in the Guinness World Book of Records for you!
    And you're absolutely right. There's so much we can't control in the world, but we definitely can control what we do.
    I missed your announcement but yay! And many congrats! I remember reading an excerpt about the passage, and I remember loving the whole idea! Glad I'll get to read it soon :D

    And nice teaser!

    Wishing you the very best in life and writing next year! <3

    1. Thank you! Haha, I do know some writers who write faster than I do - I was so surprised it added up to that much! :)

  5. "when it all comes together and looks like a real book, not a draft." Sadly I have yet to reach that point with any of my stories, but I must say, it's so motivating to hear that from you. Because, um, you rock!

    Best of luck with the self-publishing adventures ahead, and with all other writing and life endeavors!

    --Amanda Shayne

  6. 600k is absolutely astonishing. WOW! You are amazing.

    I have just experienced the epiphany that is stopping what I think I'm *meant* to be doing and writing what I *need* to write. Boom! Instant SNI excitement. Thank you very much for the reminder. It was a post on your blog the other day that gave me the necessary kick up the backside to make the transition ^_^

    Here's to a super exciting 2015 for you!

    1. Thank you! I've no idea how it happened, but I can't complain!

      Yay, that's awesome! So glad my post helped! ^^ I know how hard it can be to let go of what you feel you should be writing and go with your heart instead. :)

  7. Whoa! Just...whoa. 600K?? Holy bajeezus! Can I be you when I grow up?

    Great end-of-the-year report Emma, and best wishes for 2015!

  8. You're such an inspiration, Emma! Congratulations! :D
